UITU In-Kind Support

Usman Institute of Technology (UIT) was established in 1994 as a not-for-profit institute of higher education in the field of new technologies with the patronage and support of the Usman Memorial Foundation (UMF). The Foundation is a not-for-profit organization registered under the "Societies Registration Act, XXI 1860" founded by a family of concerned citizens and reputed businessmen headed by Haji Hasham Ahmed and his sons Mohammad Usman, Mohammad Kasim, Mohammad Ebrahim, and Mohammad Hussain. Over the last 25 years of successful operations, more than 4,000 students have graduated and are serving the government, industry, trade, and businesses within the country and abroad. Initially, UIT was affiliated with Hamdard University. Later in 2015, it was affiliated with the NED University of Engineering & Technology and now it has become a full-fledged UIT University (UITU).

Under UITU's “Invest in Education” initiative, a call for financial and in-kind support has been made. The purpose of seeking the welfare support is to explore avenues for the generation of funds through donation, zakat, and other philanthropic support to help deserving and encourage meritorious students to conveniently study and meet their study and living expenses. In this regard, we urge the alumni, faculty, staff, students, parents, corporate sector, and vendor / service providers to contribute to this social cause on a regular basis.

Through this form, you can pledge a “In-kind” support to contribute towards “Invest in Education” initiative. The contribution under the pledge may be on an annual, bi-annual, quarterly, monthly basis, or one-time basis. While supporting us, we expect you to request your family and friends to join UITU’s hand for this noble cause. Every payment made will be separately maintained in the head of University’s “Invest in Education” account and contributor has been provided acknowledgement through a formal receipt.

Contact Details
In-kind Support Nature
Facilities Development

Volunteering the Time
Internship and Placement
Industry Visit