Marks Range* Letter Grade GPA Remarks
95 - 100 A+4.00Outstanding
90 - 94 A4.00Excellent
85 - 89 A-3.67Very Good
80 - 84 B+ 3.33Good
75 - 79 B3.00Fair
70 - 74 B-2.67Average
65 - 69 C+2.33Below Average
60 - 64 C2.00Satisfactory
55- 59 C-1.67Pass
> 55 PN-Passed Non-credit Course
< 55 F-Fail
- FN-Failed Non-credit Course
- D-Failed in Discipline Case
- E-Exempted Course
- I-Incomplete
- W-Withdrawal
- WU-Withdrawal Unofficially
- AU-Audit
TR-Transfer of Credits

*Any fraction of marks will be rounded to nearest integer.

Computation of Semester Grade Point Average (GPA) and Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA):

This is a figure ranging preferably from 0.00 to 4.00 be used to indicate the performance of a student in the semester concerned. A standard scale of 0.00 to 4.00 is recommended to all HEIs.

Semester GPA (SGPA):

GPA=Sum over all courses in a Semester (Course Credit Hours x Grade Point Earned) / Total Semester Credit Hours

Cumulative GPA (CGPA):

CGPA=Sum over all taken courses in all Semesters (Course Credit Hours x Grade Point Earned) / Total Credit Hours taken in all Semester