
Fee Refund Policy

The Higher Education Commission (HEC) has circulated the following revised National fee-refund policy at Higher Education Institutions of Pakistan vide letter No. 10-1/HEC/A&C/2015/6542 dated December 07, 2015.

  • The admission Fee is non-refundable in any case.
  • Security deposit is refundable at the time of completion of a degree or closing of admission subjct to the clearance.
  • The tuition fee is refundable in guidance with the rules of the Higher Education Commission (HEC) also defined in this link:
  • Please note that the said policy will be applicable from the commencement of classes, not from the date of admission. Days shall be counted, including working days and holidays.
  • The same policy will be applicable to all candidates who have been offered admissions and are having result awaitng status.
Commencement of classes Refund % of tuition fee
Up to seventh day of the commencement of classes (1st week of the semester) Full (100%) Refund
From the 8th - 15th day of commencement of classes (2nd week of the semester) Half (50%) Refund
From the 16th day of commencement of classes (3rd week of the semester) No Refund