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Why do we need your support?


The UIT University is a not-for-profit private institution established with the purpose of promoting education and learning. The University is aimed at providing high-quality education. Currently, it is offering undergraduate programs in the areas of Engineering, Computer Science, Business Studies and Economics. The University is intending to enhance the faculties and to start Undergraduate and Master’s degree programs in other areas as well with your support and cooperation. The University ensures state-of-the-art infrastructure to provide a congenial learning environment. It encourages merit and supports financially handicapped students who either in the beginning or during studies become unable to afford the cost of quality education. The financial hardship support is extended to those students who belonged to less privileged class of the society, financially challenged parents, orphans, single parent students, etc. These students are funded through scholarships and financial assistance received from the philanthropists, privileged class of the society, businessmen, and other such kind-hearted people like you who understand the importance of education and learning for the development of the nation.

How can you support us?

There are many ways you can support us. Some of the ways are as follows:

Financial Support
Talent Hunt Support
This is incentive based meritorious financial support for prospective students who get admission in the University and willing to join any of the offered courses of studies. The basis for this support is student’s academic performance in the last pre-requisite examination i.e., intermediate or equivalent for undergraduate studies. The University is keen to attract students from all over Pakistan who have proven academic achievement in the past. These students are offered support at the time of admission and will continue in the category of either Merit Scholarship or Financial Assistance. In order to support the University in finding the best talent for its different programs, you may donate a specific amount on a periodical or annual basis.

To support, please click on UITU Philanthropy Form.
Merit Scholarship
This is performance-based financial support to students. This full or partial fee scholarship is meant for encouraging talented students to get better grades and high performance in the examinations. You may donate a specific amount on a periodical or annual basis by setting a merit criteria based on study structure of the University or you may ask the University to propose a merit criteria

To support, please click on UITU Philanthropy Form.
To propose a criteria, please request us on
Financial Assistance
This is hardship based financial support to students. This full or partial fee sponsorship is meant for students facing financial hardship in meeting their education expenses. The University after due scrutiny maintains a list of students facing financial hardship. You may donate a specific amount on a periodical or annual basis allowing the University to onward pay to financially deserving students. We also accept Zakat amount in this category which would be disbursed in line with Shari'ah requirement.

To donate, please click on UITU Philanthropy Form.
Boarding and Lodging Support
This is ‘share-the-expense’ based financial support to new and existing students. The University admits students on merit from all over the country and there are students who belonged to rural or distant urban areas. The students who are coming from outside Karachi need to arrange boarding and lodging for themselves. Till the University will establish its own hostel facilities, it has made a collaborative arrangement with a hostel providing housing facilities to both male and female students. Some of these students face financial hardship and they either do tuition or part-time jobs to meet their living expenses. You may support these students on a periodical or annual basis through the University to fully or partially relieve their financial burden so as to enhance their focus on studies.

To support, please click on UITU Philanthropy Form.
Infrastructure Development
This financial support is to provide better facilities to the students of the University. The University provides state-of-the-art facilities to faculty, staff and students so as to facilitate overall learning process. Currently, a huge campus in the Malir District of Karachi (nearly 26 kms from the Gulshan-e-Iqbal Campus) is in the phase of development which does not only requires philanthropic support for building infrastructure but also accept if anyone would like to dedicate the facilities with his / her or dearest one’s name.

To support, please click on UITU Philanthropy Form.
Sponsoring Research Projects
This is research based financial support to University’s researchers and teachers. The University is engaged in various projects of sustainable nature such as solar, electric and hydro power projects. Every year, various initiatives are taken through students' final year projects (FYP) to initiate ideas which may contribute towards renewable energy and sustainable technologies. For this purpose, University has developed CREST (Centre for Renewable Energy and Sustainable Technologies) which helps students in their FYPs and to develop model projects. In order to unfold FYP ideas and convert model projects into a prototype for commercialization, significant investment is required. The ORIC (Office of Research, Innovation and Commercialization) and Corporate Liaison Department are interacting with the industry to work on projects that may provide solutions to the challenges faced by the industry. In order to support University’s research initiatives, you may financially support project(s) for which the University will provide details on request.

To sponsor, please click on UITU Philanthropy Form.
Sponsoring Faculty Development
This financial support is to sponsor training programs organized for the capacity building and development of the faculty. The University engages foreign faculty and global resources both physically and online for the faculty development. Such trainings are important to equip our faculty members with latest technologies and trend taking place in the field of engineering and computer technologies. For this purpose, we look forward to philanthropic support to sponsor the cost of trainers including their training fee, boarding, lodging and commutation.

To sponsor, please click on UITU Philanthropy Form.
Payroll Giving
This financial support to relive the University’s payroll burden. The University maintains a significantly high payroll of faculty and staff providing teaching and associated services to the students. We are open to the philanthropists to fully or partially share support our payroll in any form.

To support, please click on UITU Philanthropy Form.
In-kind Support
Books Contribution
Every year, University enriches its Library collection so as to provide the most updated books and literary material to students. In order to support the University in enriching its collection of books, journals and magazines both in hard and soft copy, you may donate books on a one-time or annual basis.

To support, please click on UITU In-kind support Form.
Facilities Development
In order to help the University, enhance its facilities, you may donate in-kind. Such in-kind donation may include servers, computer systems, laptops, training aids and equipment, classroom chairs, multimedia, air-conditioners, vehicle, office furniture, printers, laboratory equipment, etc.

To support, please click on UITU In-kind support Form.
Volunteering the Time
The University is also keen to seek experts' professional services in different areas such as teaching, training, mentoring, computer programming, architecture, ISO and quality management, civil, electrical, HR, legal affairs, etc. The professionals who are willing to volunteer their time to contribute towards the University may support us.

To support, please click on UITU In-kind support Form.
Internship and Placement
The University is looking towards industry, trade and businesses to hire our graduates and provide internships to our students. This on one side would enhance their practical training and on the other side will help organizations do research and development works.

To hire our graduates / students, please click on UITU In-kind support Form.
Industry Visit
In order to provide practical exposure to the students, the University arranges industry visits in collaboration with the corporate sector. This on-site visits strengthen students’ conceptual learning and help them develop into a better professional.

To provide your organization a visit opportunity, please click on UITU In-kind support Form.
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