

Dr. Syed Anwer Ali Zaidi


Computer Science


With an illustrious academic journey spanning over three decades, this distinguished faculty member retired as a professor in 2018 from the University of Karachi and later joined UIT University. Holding a Ph.D. in Mathematics from the University of Karachi, which was earned in 2003, this academic luminary's educational foundation includes an M.Phil. in Mathematics (1990), a Masters in Mathematics (1981), and a Bachelor's degree in Mathematics (1978), all from the University of Karachi. His passion for mathematics and commitment to education have been apparent since his early academic years, including his Intermediate studies with the Karachi Board in 1976 and Matriculation in 1974.

Throughout his extensive academic career, this professor has made substantial contributions to the field of mathematics. Serving as a Professor at the Usman Institute of Technology since 2018, he has continued to inspire and educate students. Prior to this, he held key roles at the University of Karachi, including Professor from 2005 to 2018, Associate Professor from 2001 to 2005, Assistant Professor from 1992 to 2001, and Lecturer from 1984 to 1992. His administrative responsibilities extended to chairing the Department of Mathematics at the University of Karachi from September 2015 to September 2018, managing the Semester Examination Cell from 1990 to 1992, and serving as the Controller of Examinations from 2004 to 2006. His versatile skills even led him to serve as the Chairman of the Karachi University Gymkhana for a year.

Committed to continuous growth and development, this faculty member participated in pre-service teacher training from U.G.C in 1984, now known as H.E.C. His extensive research contributions are evident through numerous publications in renowned journals, covering a wide range of mathematical topics and their applications. He has supervised Ph.D. and M.Phil. studies, guiding aspiring mathematicians in their academic pursuits.

  • 1. Ali S.A. Symmetrical incomplete Block Design with b-v=37, r-k=9 and ƛ=2 Kar. Uni. J. SC.24 (1), 41-46, 1996
  • 2. Ali S A. An Alternate proof from the non-existence of symmetrical incomplete block design for some values of parameters, Kar Uni. J SC. 25 (2) 37-43, 1997
  • 3. Ali S A. Some result related to incidence matrix of symmetrical incomplete block design Kar Uni. J SC. 26 (1) 17-25, 1998
  • 4. Khan N, Ali S A. An Epidemiological model for the study of leprosy, Kar Uni. J SC. 26 (2) 1-4, 1998
  • 5. Naeem R K, Sharif M K, Kaleem R H, Ali S A. Exact solution of system of equations governing conducting inviscid compressible fluid Technical Journal, University of Engineering and Technology, Texila 40-51, 1998
  • 6. Naeem R K, Ali S A. A class of exact solutions of equations governing the steady plane flows of an incompressible fluid of variable viscosity via non-Mises variable int. J of Applied Mathematics and Engineering, Technical University of Szafrana 2. Poland, 6(2) 359-436,2001
  • 7. Hussain S I, Ali S A. Study of quotient space of integral solutions of differential equation in R2 space Kar. Uni. J. Sc. 29 (1 & 2) 23-26, 2001.
  • 8. Ali S A, Zia S S. Symmetrical incomplete Block Design (A different approach) Kar. Uni. J. Sc. 30 (1,2) 89-98 December 2002.
  • 9. Zia S S, Ali S A. Absolute (C.P) Summability of a Fourier series Kar. Uni. J. Sc. 31 (1) 51-6, July 2003.
  • 10. Ali S A, Zia S S. On the construction of balanced in complete block design Kar. Uni. J. Sc. 32 (1,2) 67-73, July & December 2004.
  • 11. Naeem R K, Khan W A, Ali S A, Ahsan M S. A class of exact solution of equation governing the study plane flows of an incompressible fluid of variable viscosity and variable thermal conductivity Kar. Uni. J. Sc. 34 (1) 43-54, July 2006
  • 12. Ali S A, Ara A, Khan N A. Martin’s method Applied to steady plane flow of a second grade fluid int. J. of Appl. Mathematics & Mech. 3 (3): 71-81, 2007.
  • 13. Khan N A, Ara A, Ali S A, Mehmood A. Analytical Study of Navier-Stokes Equation with Fractional orders using He’s Homotopy Perturbation and Variational Iteration Method Int. J. of Nonlinear Sc. And Numerical Simulation 10 (9), 1127—1134. 2009
  • 14. Khan N A, Jamil M, Khan N A, Ali S A. Solutions of Force-Free-Duffing-Van der Pop Oscillator Equations Int. J. of Diff. Equs Vol. 2011 Pg. 01-09.
  • 15. Parveen A, Askari L, Ali H, Ali S A. Attitudinize Psychotherapy in an effective therapy as a family Intervention for the family members with mental illness. Kar. Uni. J. Sc. 40, 20-24, 2012.
  • 16. Ali S A, Masood A, Ansari W A. Seasonal Discharge Analysis in San Diego River catchment, Advances in Environmental Biology, 9 (8) may 2015, page 159-162.
  • 17. Ali S A, Masood A, Ansari W A. Trend Analysis of Seasonal Hydrologic cycle over American River Basin, Research J. of Fisheries and Hydro Biology, 10 (10) June 2015 Pg. 298-302.
  • 18. Khan N A, Khan H, Ali S A. Exact Solutions for MHD flow of couple stress fluid with heat transfer J. of Egyptian Mathematical Society, (2016) 24, 125-129.
  • 19. Khan M S, Akhtar Z, Ali S A, Khan M. Solutions of Equations of motion of incompressible Fluid with general function of degree Five A in Shams Engg. Journal (2016) Pg. (1-6)
  • 20. Ahmed M, Naeem R K, Ali S A. A class of new exact solutions of Navier-Stokes Equations with body force for viscous incompressible fluid. Int. J. of Applied Mathematical Research 7 (1) (2018) 20-26.

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